Sedation Dentistry

We understand that dental anxiety is a serious issue that can cause patients to avoid visiting the dentist and do lasting harm. To help you feel safe and comfortable, we offer sedation dentistry options that can help combat dental anxiety, so you get the dental care you deserve.

Relaxed & Comfortable with Sedation Dentistry

Dental anxiety, or dental phobia is an extreme nervousness or fear of the dentist, which can occur for a variety of reasons such as negative past experiences, or widely held stereotypes about the dental field. Regardless of the reason, if you experience dental anxiety, it may be stopping you from getting the dental care you need.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is the practice of safely using sedatives to help patients relax during dental visits. When you’re comfortable and relaxed during your visit, procedures go by quicker and you’re less likely to skip an appointment.

With sedation dentistry, we can help you overcome your anxieties and phobia, no matter where they come from or how intense they may be. dentists will help you learn more about our available sedation dentistry options during your consultation. At Vecchio Dental Care, we offer three different forms of dental sedation for your convenience.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is the most commonly used form of sedation dentistry. It takes the form of a colorless, odorless, and non-flammable gas that produces feelings of giddiness and euphoria, hence the nickname ‘laughing gas’.

You’ll inhale nitrous oxide through a mask shortly before your procedure and it will begin taking effect almost immediately. Nitrous oxide also produces a mild anesthetizing effect that can be used on its own or alongside a more powerful anesthetic for more invasive, complicated procedures. While laughing gas will relax you, it’s not designed to put you to sleep.

You may be a candidate for nitrous oxide sedation if:

  • You have to drive yourself home
  • You want a sedative that works and wears off quickly
  • You don’t like needles
  • You may not remember to swallow a pill

Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation takes the form of a pill that you swallow before your procedure. It usually takes 30 to 60 minutes for oral conscious sedation to kick in, so by the time you arrive, the sedative should be working. With oral sedation, you’ll be conscious during your treatment but you won’t remember many details as your sensations will be extremely dulled.

Depending on your procedure, you may also have an anesthetic prescribed that you’ll take alongside your sedative. Much like laughing gas, oral conscious sedation isn’t designed to put you to sleep. However, unlike laughing gas, the effects of oral conscious sedation can last up to 24 hours before they fully wear off.

You may be a candidate for oral conscious sedation if:

  • You don’t like needles or laughing gas
  • You can secure a reliable ride to and from your appointment
  • You can take time off to recover

IV Sedation

IV sedation, or intravenous sedation, is administered by injecting the sedative directly into your veins. Because the sedative goes directly into your bloodstream, it takes effect almost immediately and can last as long as 24 to 48 hours after your initial dosage is administered.

This form of sedation will put you in a “twilight sleep,” meaning that you’ll be awake and responsive but in a deep state of relaxation. You’ll have little to no memory of your procedure when you come out of IV sedation.

You may be a candidate for IV sedation if:

  • You’re not likely to remember to swallow a pill
  • You don’t like laughing gas
  • You can take time off to recover
  • You can secure reliable transportation to and from your appointment

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